Book 5, Aletheia Adventure Series
The fifth book in the Aletheia Adventure Series is the second in a trilogy about an attack on the city of Aletheia, the city of Bible Truth. In this story, the Water of Sound Doctrine has been polluted, the city boundaries are overcome, and the city has been invaded by the people and creatures of the land of Err.
The land of Err is desperate to change the Truth the city stands for. They set to work to 'improve' the roads and buildings; they camp on the Pray-Always Farmlands; they introduce a new, appealing religious message; and they badly want to access the centre of Aletheia and takeover the mighty fortress Academy of Solders-of-the Cross and other important buildings there.
But something stands in their way. Mysteriously, all the inhabitants of central Aletheia have vanished and the buildings will not yield to them. Is the fight for the city over? Or is there a greater, unseen power that the land of Err knows nothing about? Will Aletheia be victorious against such fearful and determined enemies? Will Bible Truth stand against the invaders?
Through the story, this book explores the Biblical truth of JUSTIFICATION and how there is only one way to be right with God.
This book can be enjoyed on its own - without reading the rest of the series.
Book Trailer
Valuable lessons
With all our favourite characters back and involved in the war, this was another great book in the series. SO many valuable lessons for kids to learn.

Amazon Reviewer
Gripping tale with gospel truth
In the fifth book of the series, the city of Aletheia is under attack. With fascinating details about life underground, tense moments and perilous situations, and culminating in a glorious battle, this is a highly gripping story. Above all, there is a clear illustration of the doctrine of justification, and explanation of the way of salvation. This book is one which is highly recommended for young and old.
Amazon Reviewer